Step 1 – Get activated

Click the link on your email receipt. You’ll just need your email address and activation code.

Enter your activation code and your email address. Your HDHomeRun devices will show up here too, so you know it’s all working.

Phew. Step 1 complete. Your subscription is active

Step 2 – Let’s get the software you need

Install the HDHomeRun app from the Google Play Store HERE

Get it running and we’re ready to move on…

Almost there. Step 2 complete.

Step 3 - Let's get it running

The HDHomeRun RECORD engine does the recordings for the DVR - it should be installed on one box that is to be used for storing recordings. Typically this will be a NAS box or a PC. If you are using a NAS box or a PC for recordings do not install the record engine for Android, you should not enable DVR on the Android app. This is only if you do not have any other device handling recordings.

Yay. And you're done.